Blog Introduction - Thoughts, Musings and Mutterings

I often get ideas for blog posts or articles when Im in the shower… I’ve no idea why, but that seem’s to be a particular source of inspiration. But one thing I’ve struggled with since I created this website has been a starting point, a beginning. Nothing particularly creative came to mind so I continued to put it off until I thought well, why not just write a simple introduction. So that’s where I’m at! This, simple, introduction.

I plan to cover a lot of areas of radio imaging/audio imaging work, with links to incredible producers in the field as well as helpful blogs, websites, resources, etc etc. All the usual content you’d expect from a blog on audio imaging and production really. But I’ll also cover areas specific to freelance work and self-employment, and the (previously unforeseen) challenges that it poses; business admin, marketing, emails, leads, more admin, taxes, juggling projects (because they are NEVER linear, one-at-a-time), sick days, working ahead, paternity planning, work/life balance… there’s a lot. I hope it’ll be useful for other producers out there who are thinking about making the leap to work for themselves to improve their work/life balance, or flexibility, or whatever the reasoning behind it. I LOVE it, and only wish I’d been brave enough to make the jump sooner, but the learning curve has been steep! Things I’d never even contemplated fully become part of your daily chores.

Anyway, all of that is to come in the near future.